
Quinoa: The Andean Super Grain

Quinoa has been a staple food in the Andes for thousands of years, but it has become increasingly popular throughout the world recently due to its versatility and nutritional value.

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Written by
Priya Cruz

What is quinoa?

Quinoa is a nutritious whole grain that comes from the Andean region of South America. Quinoa has been a staple food in the Andes for thousands of years, but it has become increasingly popular throughout the world recently due to its versatility and nutritional value. There are over 3,000 types of quinoa, but the most popular varieties are red, black, and white quinoa. Each type of quinoa has a different nutrient profile.

Why has quinoa gained such popularity?

Not only is quinoa high in nutrients, but it is also gluten free, making it a popular ingredient in many recipes. Quinoa is actually a pseudo-cereal as it is actually the seeds that are cooked and prepared like grains. It is packed with protein, fiber, Vitamin B, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. It also carries a high level of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory plant compounds.

Unlike many ingredients that are refined for gluten free eating, quinoa is naturally gluten free and provides a good source of nutrients that many on gluten free diets tend to lack, especially since it contains complete proteins. Complete proteins contain all 9 amino acids, which are essential for the human body. Although all animal proteins contain all 9 amino acids, most plant-based proteins do not. So, if you are vegetarian or vegan, quinoa really is a fantastic choice!

How do we use quinoa?

Preparing quinoa is actually quite easy. It is prepared in a similar manner to rice and has a delicious nutty flavor, and a bit of a bite. We love this as a substitute for rice in burritos, tacos, and rice bowls, or even as a substitute for couscous in mediterranean dishes. Quinoa is also a fantastic gluten free binding agent for veggie patties and meatballs!

Need recipe ideas? Check out these recipes from Nommy.

Perfectly Cooked Quinoa

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