
Reading Between the Lines: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Gluten-Free Food Labels

It's no secret that grocery shopping can be a daunting task, especially for those of us with gluten intolerance. The last thing we want is to accidentally ingest gluten, and reading food labels can sometimes feel like navigating a maze.

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Hetvi Gandhi

Hello, gluten-free warriors! It's no secret that grocery shopping can be a daunting task, especially for those of us with gluten intolerance. The last thing we want is to accidentally ingest gluten, and reading food labels can sometimes feel like navigating a maze. But that’s exactly why we created Nommy, to make our lifestyle more convenient and to build confidence in food once again! So, fear not! Today, we'll be sharing some tips and tricks on how to read food labels with confidence, so you can shop for all the gluten-free products you need. 

Gluten-Free Labeling Laws

Understanding gluten-free labeling laws can help you make informed decisions about the foods you consume. The FDA's gluten-free labeling law requires that products labeled as "gluten-free" contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. To ensure a product is safe for you, look for this label on the packaging. It's important to note that this law only applies to FDA-regulated food products, so it's still important to read labels carefully for non-regulated products. By arming yourself with this knowledge, you can confidently choose foods that fit your dietary needs and avoid gluten-containing products. Let's take control of our health and make informed choices with every bite we take!

Identifying Gluten on Food Labels

Once you know how to spot gluten on food labels, you'll have the confidence to choose safe and suitable foods. 

Where to Find Gluten Information on a Food Label

Look for allergen statements, ingredient lists, or "contains" statements on the packaging. The allergen statement will usually be located at the bottom of the ingredients list and will indicate if the product contains gluten or wheat. The ingredients list is where you'll find all the ingredients used in the product, so scan it carefully for any gluten-containing ingredients, such as wheat, barley, and rye. Lastly, the "contains" statement will alert you if the product has been processed in a facility that also processes wheat or gluten-containing products. By taking the time to locate and understand these pieces of information, you can make informed choices about the foods you eat and keep your gluten-free diet on track. 

Gluten-containing Ingredients to Watch 

When reading food labels for gluten, it's essential to know which ingredients to look for. Some common gluten-containing ingredients include wheat, barley, and rye. These grains are often used in bread, pasta, cereal, and other processed foods, making them a significant source of gluten in the American diet. In addition, ingredients derived from these grains, such as malt and couscous, also contain gluten. Therefore, it's crucial to read the ingredient list on the food label carefully and watch for any mention of wheat, barley, rye, or their derivatives. This will help you confidently keep gluten away from your food.

Foods that contain gluten:

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other ingredients that contain gluten. Therefore, it's always a good idea to read the food label carefully and look for any mention of gluten or gluten-containing ingredients.

Tips for identifying hidden sources of gluten

It is imperative to know how to identify hidden sources of gluten. These can include vague ingredients like "natural flavors" or "starch" that don't specify the source, and processed ingredients like wheat starch, barley grass, wheatgrass, and oats that may or may not contain gluten depending on how they are processed. To ensure that you're not accidentally consuming gluten, it's essential to check for a certified gluten-free label or contact the brand directly to learn more about the processing of these ingredients.

Gluten can also be elusive on food labels, hiding behind scientific or Latin names for wheat, barley, and rye. But don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some of the most commonly used Latin terms for gluten-containing ingredients. Keep an eye out for any of these names on food labels, and you'll be able to quickly identify if a product contains gluten.

Alternative names of Gluten:

Other Label Information to Consider

When it comes to gluten-free labeling, it's not just the ingredient list that matters. Other labeling information, such as manufacturing processes and cross-contamination risks, can also impact the gluten content of a product. For example, a product that is made in a facility that also processes wheat products may be at risk of cross-contamination, even if it doesn't contain wheat as an ingredient.

Some common terms to watch for on labels include "may contain wheat," "processed in a facility that also processes wheat," and "made on shared equipment with wheat." These phrases indicate that a product may not be safe for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, as there is a risk of cross-contamination during the manufacturing process.

If you see any of these terms on a label, it's important to carefully consider whether the product is safe for you to consume. If you have any doubts, it's always best to err on the side of caution and choose a product with a certified gluten-free label or that is made in a dedicated gluten-free facility. 

Shopping Tips for a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Finally, get ready to simplify your gluten-free lifestyle with these must-try shopping tips! One of the best things you can do is to shop the perimeter of the store, where you'll find fresh produce, meat, and dairy products. These are usually gluten-free, and they're also the healthiest options. When shopping for packaged foods, always read the label carefully and look for gluten-free certification. You can also look for labels that say "gluten-free," "wheat-free," or "free from gluten-containing ingredients." Another helpful tip is to buy products that are naturally gluten-free, such as rice, quinoa, nuts, and seeds.

To find gluten-free products, you can also check online directories, which provide a comprehensive list of gluten-free products available in your area. There are also support groups, both online and in-person, where you can connect with other people who are living a gluten-free lifestyle. These groups can provide you with tips and advice on where to find gluten-free products and how to make the best choices for your health. With these resources and tips, you can confidently navigate the grocery store and find delicious gluten-free products that fit your lifestyle.


Navigating a gluten-free lifestyle certainly is challenging, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. With the right information and resources, you can confidently make informed choices about the food you eat. Remember to always read food labels carefully, look out for hidden sources of gluten, and be aware of cross-contamination risks. With these tips, you can ensure that you're staying true to your gluten-free diet without sacrificing taste or nutrition. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek out additional support and resources, such as online directories or local support groups. By taking a proactive approach to your gluten-free lifestyle, you can feel empowered and confident in your food choices.

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