
What is gluten ataxia?

Sometimes it is hard to understand the symptoms associated with gluten intolerance? How can something like gluten cause such a wide host of symptoms. Well, gluten ataxia is another condition caused by gluten, with another set of symptoms.

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Priya Cruz
What is gluten ataxia?

Gluten ataxia is a rare condition in which the body's immune system reacts to gluten by attacking its very own nervous system. Ataxia is a symptom marked by poor balance, numbness and tingling in the legs and arms, changes in posture and gait due to damage in the cerebellum. While ataxia can be the result of low levels and lack of vitamin E and B12, gluten ataxia is when the ataxia is a reaction to the ingestion of gluten specifically. It can be related to celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

What are the symptoms? 

Symptoms include numbness, tingling and pain in the arms and legs. It can also cause issues with balance and posture as the cerebellum is damaged. In severe cases, speech can also be affected. Gluten ataxia, strangely, does not manifest as digestive issues. It is important to diagnosis ataxia as soon as possible and treat symptoms through a gluten-free diet as it can help stop progression of the disease and prevent increased damage to the cerebellum.

Want to Learn More? Here are some additional resources:

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