
What is gluten neuropathy?

Gluten sensitivity, in some cases, can result in a condition that has been called gluten neuropathy. So what are the symptoms and how can they be alleviated?

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Priya Cruz
What is gluten neuropathy?

Gluten sensitivity, in some cases, can result in a condition that has been called gluten neuropathy. Neuropathy, in simple terms, is nerve damage or pain. What can start as minor gluten neuropathy, can quickly evolve into rather extreme nerve pain that can be disabling.

What are the symptoms of gluten neuropathy?

There are many symptoms associated with gluten sensitivity; however, for some individuals, gluten neuropathy may be they only symptom manifested. Gluten neuropathy is typically peripheral neuropathy and affects the hands and feet. It can feel like numbness, tingling, weakness, or mild to extreme pain. It has been found that sometimes neuropathic symptoms of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease can manifest before the gastrointestinal symptoms.

How can gluten neuropathy be alleviated?

Treatment varies from medications, to surgery, to physical therapy, to changes in lifestyle and diet. Unfortunately, not all individuals who experience neuropathy will respond to treatment. Researchers have recently found that if an individual is manifesting symptoms of gluten neuropathy, following a gluten free diet can improve neuropathy symptoms and slow down progression of the disorder.

If you'd like to know more, take a look at these resources:

Diet Changes May Help Beat the Pain of Gluten Neuropathy

Quality of Life in Patients with Gluten Neuropathy: A Case-Controlled Study

Gluten-Free Diet Curbs Pain in Gluten Neuropathy

Types of Peripheral Neuropathy - Inflammatory

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