
Balsamic Pulled Steak

Are you tired of the same old pulled pork sandwich with barbecue? Well, it's time to mix things up and try out a pulled steak with a flavor boost from tangy balsamic vinegar!

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Written by
Priya Cruz

Hey there Nommy family! Are you tired of the same old pulled pork sandwich with barbecue? Well, it's time to mix things up and try out a pulled steak with a flavor boost from tangy balsamic vinegar! Yes, you read that right - pulled balsamic steak is a thing, and it's about to blow you away!

This dish takes the classic concept of pulled pork or chicken and turns it on its head with the bold and zesty flavor of balsamic vinegar. And the best part? It's super easy to make and most of the cooking time is completely hands off! All you need is a cut of beef, some balsamic vinegar, and a few other seasonings to create a mouthwatering meal that'll have you and your family licking their fingers. Test it out!

Balsamic Pulled Steak


1 lb of beef (I’ve used many different cuts as they all become quite tender in the oven after some cooking - top round, sirloin, and strip steak)

1/2 red onion, sliced

4 cloves of garlic, sliced

1/2 Tbsp. Italian seasoning

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons brown sugar

1 cup water, beef stock, or vegetable stock

salt and pepper


In a glass oven safe casserole dish create a bed of the sliced onion and garlic.

Place beef cut on top and season with salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning.

Add remaining ingredients.

Roast covered with foil for 1 hour at 350 F and 2 to 3 hours at 300 F. Keep an eye on it and turn the beef as it cooks.

Shred and return to sauce with a teaspoon of gluten free flour to thicken sauce if needed. It is ready when it falls apart easily with tongs.

We love this on sliders with lettuce, fresh mozzarella, tomato and reduced balsamic vinegar. We also love this on top of a bed of buttered noodles.

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