
Creme Brulee - Gluten Free Perfection to Satisfy that Sweet Tooth

You know ... although it may seem like every dessert has gluten in it, that is just is not the case. This is the perfect little dessert to satisfy that hankering for something sweet. Try this recipe for a sweet vanilla creme brûlée that makes just enough for two happy people 🙂

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Written by
Priya Cruz

Vanilla Creme Brûlée


1 cup heavy cream

1/3 of a vanilla bean pod

3 egg yolks

1/4 cup granulated sugar

2 Tablespoons raw cane sugar


Bring cream to a simmer and take off heat. Do not boil.

Scrape insides of vanilla bean and add to cream along with the pod. Let sit for 30 minutes to steep and cool.

In a separate bowl beat 3 egg yolks with sugar until frothy, thick, and a light yellow. Slowly strain in a tablespoon of cream, and beat in. Gradually add the remaining cream beating in between so that eggs do not cook. Strain custard into 4 inch ramekins.

Place ramekins in a baking dish. Fill baking dish half way up ramekins with boiling water. Bake at 300 F. If custard is about 1 in thick, bake for about 30 minutes or until custard is set. 2 inch thick custard will probably need to bake for 45 - 50 minutes until set. It should jiggle in the center but should not be liquid.

Remove from oven and let stand for 15 minutes. Chill.

Top custard with raw/cane sugar and brûlée with a torch or broil in oven on high heat.

So what are you waiting for? Put these elegant desserts together in a jiffy and enjoy!

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