
Pets and Living Gluten Free

I am sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease. Does my pet need to be gluten free too?

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Written by
Priya Cruz

Pets and Gluten Exposure

Many of us who are sensitive to gluten, or have celiac disease, spend a great deal of time and effort to make sure our kitchen and home are free of gluten. Many of us forget to consider pet food. The majority of pet foods do contain gluten as a binding agent. While simply feeding a pet is probably not the cause of any reaction to gluten, if you sleep with your pets, snuggle with your pets, or if your pets roam freely in areas where you are preparing or eating food, you may be risking exposure to gluten due to gluten residue on your pet's fur.

How to Prevent Exposure to Gluten with Pets

While you do not have to purchase gluten free food for your pet, it is highly recommended that you practice good hygiene and wash your hands after feeding and petting your furry friends. If you do not use gluten free food for your pet, we also recommend wet food over dry food to avoid inhaling any airborne food particles when feeding. 

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