
Quick Sweet Corn and Black Bean Salsa

Eating gluten free doesn't have to be boring. Salsa is just one of those condiments that is well-loved by everyone, and guess what? It's naturally gluten free!

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Written by
Priya Cruz

Eating gluten free doesn't have to be boring. Salsa is just one of those condiments that is well-loved by everyone, and guess what? It's naturally gluten free! Let's spice things up with this colorful and flavorful sweet corn and black bean salsa that is sure to make your taste buds pop.

This salsa is perfect for any occasion--picnics, lunch or dinner party, taco nights! With its mix of sweet corn, tangy lime, and nutritious black beans, this fresh and zesty salsa is an excellent addition to the table!

So, grab a bag of tortilla chips and get ready to impress your guests (or yourself) with this delicious corn and black bean salsa recipe. Or if you really want to impress, make your own tortilla chips at home! All you need is some corn tortillas, salt, and oil for frying. Trust us on this one!

Quick Sweet Corn and Black Bean Salsa


1 cup of your favorite gluten free red salsa (mild or spicy - take your pick. We love Green Mountain Gringo Salsas -, or our very own recipe)

10 oz. canned black beans, or freshly cooked (rinse and drain)

10 oz frozen sweet corn or freshly cooked corn

handful cilantro

lime to taste


1/2 teaspoon cumin


Mix all ingredients and let sit in refrigerator for flavors to meld for at least 4 hours.

Serve with your favorite chips! (We love Siete brand chips).

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